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Published by · Jun 25, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: macOS JAMF Offboarding Tool

Offboarding macOS Devices from JAMF in Bulk using the JAMF API with a bash script ...

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Published by · Jun 25, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Microsoft Cloud License Automation Tool - Part 1

Automating Microsoft Cloud License Assignment and Reporting with PowerShell and Slack for Enterprise Mobility and Security E3 ...

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Published by · Jun 18, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Configuration Manager Set Implicit Uninstall Flag Tool

Setting Configuration Manager ConfigMgr Implicit Uninstall Flag with PowerShell for Required Application Deployments ...

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Published by · Jun 11, 2024 configmgr · 2 mins read

Configuration Manager Next Maintenance Window SQL Function

Get Next Configuration Manager Maintenance Window from a Schedule Token with Offset Days using an SQL Function. ...

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Published by · Jun 3, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Windows User Rights Assignment Tool - Part 3

Add, Remove, or Replace Windows Rights Assignment with our PowerShell Tool. ...

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Published by · May 28, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Windows User Rights Assignment Tool - Part 2

Get and Report Windows Rights Assignment with our PowerShell Tool. ...

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Published by · May 22, 2024 tools · 1 mins read

Introducing: Windows User Rights Assignment Tool - Part 1

Get Windows Rights Assignment with our PowerShell Tool. ...

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Published by · Apr 11, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Intune Linux Onboarding Tool

Onboard Ubuntu Linux devices to Microsoft Intune using a bash script. Installs prerequisites and starts the user-driven enrollment. ...

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Published by · Apr 11, 2024 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Intune macOS Onboarding Tool

Onboard macOS devices to Microsoft Intune using a bash script that initiates the process. Optionally, the script converts mobile accounts, resets the FileVault key, and removes ...

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Published by · Jan 23, 2024 tools · 3 mins read

Introducing: Intune Device Renaming Tool

Rename Intune Devices by setting a Prefix or using a User Attribute as Prefix. Supports Windows, macOS, and Linux ...

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Published by · Dec 8, 2023 intune · 5 mins read

Intune Logs: A Deep Dive into Locations, Interpretation, and Configuration

A Comprehensive Guide to Locations, Interpretation, and Configuration of Intune Logs ...

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Published by · Aug 14, 2023 configmgr · 2 mins read

Configuration Manager Console Extension to show Device Collection Membership with Console Builder

Use the Configuration Manager Console Builder, to add Collection Membership View to the Device Node ...

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Published by · Aug 3, 2023 tools · 3 mins read

Introducing: Configuration Manager SSRS Dashboards

A Configuration Manager Dashboards solution with Reports for Software Updates, Bitlocker and more ...

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Published by · Aug 3, 2023 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: PowerShell WMI Management Toolkit Module

Streamline your WMI Namespace, Class, and Instance Management with our PowerShell Module ...

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Published by · Jul 14, 2023 configmgr · 1 mins read

Configuration Manager detailed, filterable Port Documentation

Configuration Manager detailed, filterable port documentation as an excel document ...

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Published by · Jul 14, 2023 configmgr · 3 mins read

Configuration Manager PXE TFTP Window Size Bug

Configuration Manager TFTP Block Size and TFTP Window Size Correct Configuration ...

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Published by · Jun 18, 2023 tools · 4 mins read

Introducing: Configuration Manager Client Cache Cleanup Tool

Cleaning the Configuration Manager Client Cache the Right Way with PowerShell and Configuration Baselines ...

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Published by · Jun 18, 2023 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Windows Cache Cleanup Tool

Cleaning Windows and Configuration Manager Caches for Configuration Manager Build and Capture Task Sequence or Standalone Use ...

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Published by · Jun 17, 2023 tools · 1 mins read

Introducing: Windows Update Database Reinitialization Tool

Proactively repair corrupted Windows Update Database with Powershell and Configuration Manager ...

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Published by · Mar 31, 2023 tools · 3 mins read

Introducing: Configuration Manager SQL Products Reporting

A Complete SQL Products reporting solution using Configuration Manager ...

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Published by · Jan 28, 2023 configmgr · 1 mins read

Application Detection Method using the Configuration Manager Application Version

Replace hardcoded application version in scripts, with the Configuration Manager Application Version ...

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Published by · Jan 28, 2023 tools · 3 mins read

Introducing: Certificate Management Toolkit

Managing Certificates with Configuration Manager and PowerShell by using just the Public Key ...

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Published by · Jan 7, 2019 reports · 2 mins read

Configuration Manager Device Boundary and Network Information Report

List Device Boundaries and Network Information with Configuration Manager ...

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Published by · Sep 9, 1980 help · 5 mins read

MEM.Zone Blog Publishing Documentation

Publishing Documentation for MEM.Zone ...

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Introducing: Configuration Manager Set Implicit Uninstall Flag Tool

Published by Popovici Ioan · Jun 18, 2024 · 2 mins read
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Quick Summary

Configuration Manager introduced Implicit Uninstall for application deployments back in version 2107, which was released in 2021.

Since then Microsoft has not updated the powershell cmdlets to support this new feature, so in order to update multiple deployments at once we have to use an undocumented method to set this flag.

This tool was specifically created to address changing the Implicit Uninstall flag for multiple deployments.



  • Always use a test environment to validate your implementation. ‘Hey I found this on the Internet’ is not a valid excuse for breaking production.
  • Use the WhatIf parameter to validate the changes before applying them.

Implicit Uninstall Flag

Implicit Uninstall is a nifty feature that allows automatic uninstall of an application when a device falls out of the scope of the deployment.

article card image configmgr-deployment-set-implicit-uninstall.jpg
Configuration Manager Set Implicit Uninstall

The feature is controlled by the OfferFlags property, located in the SMS_ApplicationAssignment Server WMI Class which is a bitmask containing flags that control various features of the deployment.

article card image documentation-microsoft-configmgr-offerflags.jpg
Microsoft Current OfferFlags Documentation

The undocumented property has value of 64 and is named IMPLICITUNINSTALLENABLED.

This is where things got tricky, as you need to use a XML string to set the flag which by default doesn’t exist.
You also need to account for any existing flags that are already set.

I think, I’ve managed to find an elegant 😬 solution as seen in the script below.


The flag can only be set using XML format in the SMS_ApplicationAssignment WMI class.



Specifies the application name and supports wildcards.


* will process all applications!


Specifies the Implicit Uninstall flag value. Default is true.

Available values:

  • True
    The application will be uninstalled when the deployment is removed.
  • False
    The application will not be uninstalled when the deployment is removed.

Use the WhatIf parameter to preview the changes.


Specific Application

Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName 'WinZip' -FlagValue 'True' -WhatIf

Matching Applications

Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName '*Zip' -FlagValue 'True' -WhatIf

All Applications

Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName '*' -FlagValue 'False' -WhatIf

WhatIf is used to force a dry run in these examples.


article card image powershell-set-implicit-uninstall-flag.gif
Setting Implicit Uninstall Flag


  3    Sets the Configuration Manager Implicit Uninstall flag on a application deployment.
  5    Sets the Configuration Manager Implicit Uninstall flag on a required application deployment.
  6.PARAMETER ApplicationName
  7    Specifies the application name. Supports wildcards.
  8.PARAMETER FlagValue
  9    Specifies the Implicit Uninstall flag value. Default is true.
 10    Available values are:
 11        True
 12        False
 14    Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName '*Zip -FlagValue 'True'
 16    Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName '*' -FlagValue 'False'
 18    Set-CMImplicitUninstall.ps1 -ApplicationName '*' -FlagValue 'True' -WhatIf
 20    None.
 22    None.
 24    Created by Ioan Popovici
 26    https://MEM.Zone
 28    https://MEMZ.one/Set-CMImplicitUninstall-CHANGELOG
 30    https://MEMZ.one/Set-CMImplicitUninstall-GIT
 32    https://MEM.Zone/ISSUES
 34    https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/develop/reference/apps/sms_applicationassignment-server-wmi-class
 36    Configuration Manager
 38    Application deployment Implicit Uninstall flag.
 41## Set script requirements
 42#Requires -Version 5.0
 47#region VariableDeclaration
 49## Get script parameters
 51Param (
 52    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Enter application name',Position=0)]
 53    [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
 54    [Alias('Name')]
 55    [string]$ApplicationName,
 56    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Valid options are: 'true' or 'false'",Position=1)]
 57    [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()]
 58    [ValidateSet('true','false')]
 59    [Alias('Flag')]
 60    [string]$FlagValue = 'true'
 63## Set variables
 64[int16]$ProgressStep = 0
 66## Set the bitmask table for the OfferFlags bitmask
 67[Flags()]Enum OfferFlagsBitmask {
 68    PreDeploy                = 1
 69    OnDemand                 = 2
 70    EnableProcessTermination = 4
 71    AllowUsersToRepairApp    = 8
 72    RelativeSchedule         = 16
 73    HighImpactDeployment     = 32
 74    ImplicitUninstallEnabled = 64
 77## Set the default xml for the ImplicitUninstallEnabled flag
 78[xml]$AdditionalPropertiesDefaultXML =
 80<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
 82    <ImplicitUninstallEnabled>true</ImplicitUninstallEnabled>
 96#region ScriptBody
 98## Import ConfigMgr Powershell module and changing context
 99Try {
100    Import-Module $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Replace('\bin\i386','\bin\configurationmanager.psd1') -ErrorAction 'Stop'
102Catch {
103    Throw "Importing ConfigMgr Powershell module - Failed!`n$PsItem"
106## Get the CMSITE SiteCode and change the connection context
107Try {
108    $SiteCode = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider 'CMSITE'
109    Push-Location "$($SiteCode.Name):\"
111Catch {
112    Throw "Changing connection context - Failed!`n$PsItem"
115## Process applications
116Try {
118    ## Get all required application Assignments
119    $ApplicationAssignments = Get-CMApplicationDeployment -Name $ApplicationName | Where-Object -Property 'OfferTypeID' -eq 0
121    ## Set progress variables
122    [int]$ProgressTotal = $ApplicationAssignments.Count
124    ## Process each application deployment
125    ForEach ($ApplicationAssignment in $ApplicationAssignments) {
127        ## Show progress status
128        $ProgressStep ++
129        [int]$AssignmentID = $ApplicationAssignment.AssignmentID
130        [int16]$PercentComplete = ($ProgressStep / $ProgressTotal) * 100
131        [string]$ApplicationName = $ApplicationAssignment.ApplicationName
132        Write-Progress -Activity 'Processing Applications... ' -CurrentOperation "$ApplicationName --> $AssignmentID" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete
133        Write-Verbose -Message "ApplicationName: $ApplicationName --> AssignmentID: $AssignmentID" -Verbose
135        ## Get the application Assignment info
136        $AssignmentInfo = Get-CimInstance -Namespace "ROOT\SMS\site_$SiteCode" -ClassName 'SMS_ApplicationAssignment' -Filter "AssignmentID = $AssignmentID"
137        #  Get Assignment OfferFlag bitmask
138        [OfferFlagsBitmask]$OfferFlags = $AssignmentInfo.OfferFlags
139        Write-Verbose -Message "OfferFlags: $OfferFlags" -Verbose
140        #  Get the additional properties xml
141        [xml]$AdditionalProperties = $AssignmentInfo.AdditionalProperties
142        Write-Verbose -Message "AdditionalProperties: $($AdditionalProperties.Properties)" -Verbose
145        ## Set the ImplicitUninstallEnabled flag properties
146        #  If there are no additional properties, set the default properties xml
147        If (-not $AdditionalProperties) { $AdditionalProperties = $AdditionalPropertiesDefaultXML }
148        #  If the ImplicitUninstallEnabled property is not present add it to the xml
149        If (-not $AdditionalProperties.Properties.ImplicitUninstallEnabled) { $AdditionalProperties.Properties.SetAttribute('ImplicitUninstallEnabled', 'true') }
150        #  If the ImplicitUninstallEnabled property value is not 'true' set it to 'true'
151        If (-not $AdditionalProperties.Properties.ImplicitUninstallEnabled -ne 'true') { $AdditionalProperties.Properties.ImplicitUninstallEnabled = 'true' }
152        #  If the OfferFlags bitmask does not contain the ImplicitUninstallEnabled flag, add it. (64 is the bitmask value for the ImplicitUninstallEnabled flag, you won't find this value in the documentation)
153        If (-not $OfferFlags.HasFlag([OfferFlagsBitmask]::ImplicitUninstallEnabled)) { [int]$OfferFlagsValue = $OfferFlags.GetHashCode() + 64 }
155        ## Update the application Assignment if needed
156        [boolean]$ShouldProcess = $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ApplicationName --> $AssignmentID", "Set Implicit Uninstall Flag to '$FlagValue'")
157        If ($ShouldProcess) {
158            $AssignmentInfo | Set-CimInstance -Property @{ AdditionalProperties = ($AdditionalProperties.OuterXml); OfferFlags = $OfferFlagsValue } -ErrorAction 'Stop'
159            Write-Verbose -Message  "Successfully updated $ApplicationName --> $AssignmentID!" -Verbose
160        }
161        Else { Write-Verbose -Message  "Nothing to update for $ApplicationName --> $AssignmentID!" -Verbose }
162    }
164    ## Output success
165    [string]$Output = 'Successfully processed the ImplicitUninstallEnabled flag on all required application deployments!'
166    }
167    Catch {
168        Throw "Set ImplicitUninstall flag Failed!`n$PsItem"
169    }
170    Finally {
171        Write-Output -InputObject $Output
172    }
174    ## Return to Script Path
175    Pop-Location
177    ## Remove ConfigMgr PSH Module
178    Remove-Module 'ConfigurationManager' -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'


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Published by · Jun 18, 2023 tools · 2 mins read

Introducing: Windows Cache Cleanup Tool

Cleaning Windows and Configuration Manager Caches for Configuration Manager Build and Capture Task Sequence or Standalone Use ...

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Published by · Jun 11, 2024 configmgr · 2 mins read

Configuration Manager Next Maintenance Window SQL Function

Get Next Configuration Manager Maintenance Window from a Schedule Token with Offset Days using an SQL Function. ...

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